Saturday, March 31, 2007

"it's obnoxiously great to be me week" continues

dudes. you know who you are. the flowers--so awesome. i will call or write you all personally tomorrow. right now i have to go eat korean bbq. (!!!!!)

Friday, March 30, 2007

and not forgetting the voice

i should have known better than to wear mascara to a neko case show. it goes without saying at this point, but she is epic. especially at park west, her voice just soared. and backed up by kelly hogan and nora o'connor (tied with jennifer for o'connors i wish i was related to), it was like the triumvirate of chicago-based sirens. trust me, that she made me cry is not at all as surprising as when...certain songs that reduced me to tears the first time i heard them ("star witness", "margaret vs. pauline") sounded surprisingly upbeat live, while "set out running," which initially struck me as well-crafted country pastiche, absolutely killed me. and then were there the songs that always had that effect, like "i wish i was the moon." and then, even though she gave us fair warning that it was "a sad one" there was "in california" (which some googling told me was written by her previous bandmate lisa marr) that turned my eyes from watery to flooded. (check the lyrics and tell me i'm wrong.) which is not at all incompatible with saying that i had the absolute best time. plus she and her ladies are just the funniest, even sans rachael flotard. and songs i previously wrote off, like "favorite," floored me. and in the hands of her capable band and my admirably silent fellow concertgoers, "dirty knife" was absolutely cinematic. the scary thing is, the shows tonight and tomorrow are probably going to be even better.

it was a good day.

have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and you're not rested and you're behind on your work and you're kind of cranky and you just sort of roll with it and you then score a second date with the cute architect and you then get a voicemail from the big firm that you talked to and you later find out that you got a job from the big firm and you then send some gratuitous emails and you then hear some pretty great things from close friends and also from people you thought might not notice at all and you then get a pretty incredible email from your father and you then get an even more incredible email from someone at the big firm and you then take a really, truly, horrible test but you go out after with your thursday night buddies and law school best friend and the horrible bar you usually go to is not that bad and the horrible waitress is replaced with someone really nice and the horrible dude that usually talks to you keeps to his friends and they play your favorite daft punk song and the train comes soon enough and you come home to find that even more people you thought might not notice did and your brother wrote something that makes you cry so you write something even more gratuitous on your goddamned blog? me too, before now. it's pretty heady, not gonna lie.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

if there's been a way to build it. . .

what a LONG day. i left the house at 8:30 and got in about 20 minutes ago. today felt infinitely more like a monday than monday actually did. thank god i have leftovers that i actually want to eat. (that i cooked, even! it happens sometimes.) i have a feeling that i missed some sort of graduation-related deadline. whatevs, i'm not even trying to find out until i finish this glass of wine.

p.s. guess who has a date with a cute architect this weekend?

for someone who hasn't finished a book in months, i can sound pretty pretentious

so much to say, so little motivation to say it...i've been doing a lot of living lately, and my focus is elsewhere as i try to sort through all my obligations: little things, big things, little parts of big things, little things with big impact and vice versa. NOLA pictures are up on flickr, though they give no indication of the amazing people i met down there. hardworking, earnest, generous people who are trying to move forward from almost incomprehensible upheaval and turmoil, and with very little assistance from anyone. i have to write something for the school about the work i did; maybe i'll copy that here whenever that gets done.

the anti-war march today ended up being inspiring. i went down with people from my school, who were serving as legal observers for the nlg. i spaced on the training for that, so i just went down to march and help them out. the pre-march rally mostly annoyed me, frankly. it was primarily populated by career protesters, shrill and irrelevant ists (social-, neo-lenin-, etc., whatevs), apple-cheeked 19 year-olds shouting about the people's revolution, nutjobs in costumes. notable exception: the kid from iraq veterans against the war. jesus christ. and kathy kelly, who changed the name of her group now that the violence in iraq is more than economic. she brought up the plight of the many refugees of the war, which i'm ashamed to admit i haven't considered very much either.

the actual march, however, was a different story. and the fact that it was actually, finally on michigan again (no small victory, symbolic or otherwise, after the giant civil rights violation that was 4 years ago), made it feel like some sort of impact may have been made, for once. ugg-booted mothers and daughters, art-damaged college kids, church folks, old-timers and everyone in between (people of color, even! i sound snarky, and yes, that is a commentary on the (often-understandable) (non)appeal of liberal activism to minorities, but also on the super-scary presence of the chicago p.d., to be explained shortly) all marching down FUCKING MICHIGAN AVENUE at dinnertime. to a man, every cab driver honked in support. and you know, the cops were alright, as i have mostly found to be the case at these things. they joked with us, and each other, we joked with them and ourselves. they're on overtime, they're doing what they have to do. but the riot cops, of which there had to be two or three hundred, were just plain unnerving. not their conduct, which was totally hands-off, but the sheer presence, for blocks and blocks. the masks obscuring their faces, the big wooden canes. you don't see that in new york, even. i can't think of any recent march i've attended or been in the vicinity of that wasn't the same way (last year this time, the immigration rally)--or rather, any march since 4 years ago. it's an obvious message. daley doesn't like surprises. period. i'm glad i went. it's sick that this war has gone on so long that i can compare and contrast ANNUAL marches. it's sick that it ever began. i finally read the seymour hersh article from three new yorkers ago and it made me fired up. and sad. and really, really confused.

on another note, and apropos of nothing, ted leo and i have the same favorite stereolab song! i only listen to that album maybe once a year, if that, but i have that song in my head at least once a week. probably because something in my life feels out of control at least once a week. soothing and fortifying. in the context of the album as a whole, i guess it sounds like pop neo-marxism, but independent of that, the lyric is just, like, the best advice ever.

related to that: i was so busy crushing on andrew bird that i forgot dude's album came out today too! it was a pleasant surprise.

ok, i'm going to go try and fight the good fight against stress-induced insomnia now. laters.

Friday, March 09, 2007


i'm sorry, i really hate to make this blog very law school-y, and i know the last couple entries totally were, but. . .man, i kind of screwed myself. i'm not really sure where today (before 6 p.m. class) went, other than ipod maintenance, nail painting, trying to get one of the neanderthals at IBABY on the phone, and running. i definitely didn't work much on my complaint which is due saturday a.m. but anyone who reads this, or who has known me for any period of time, well knows my self-sabotaging tendencies re: writing deadlines. and i guess i just kind of knew in my bones that i would be going out after girl loren is one of my Top Best Friends Ever, and she's outta here in, like, a month and a half, so, carpe diem. i guess i didn't realize "a beer" would turn into such a long night. even knowing us. and i'm kind of underestimating how much stuff i have to do before NOLA. but it'll work itself out, though, right?

p.s. seems like lots of people lately have told me, in a roundabout, belated, way, that they read this thing. WELL YOU SHOULD COMMENT, THEN! i say this because i am superficial, but also, i want to know what you think and HOW YOU ARE DOING. ok? thx.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

4 lists.

things i did today:
1. go to work.
2. attend a meeting for the new orleans trip.
3. present at a meeting for the new orleans trip.
4. make up a 90-minute exam for one of my classes.
5. go to class 1.
6. go to class 2.
7. take a 45-minute deposition at class 2.
8. learn that j. nicholas parish once punched a cow at the wisconsin state fair.
9. realize that i am not surprised by number 8.

bands/records i have been feeling again lately:
1. broadcast.
2. crooked fingers.
3. the dismemberment plan, "emergency and i." (before the reunion was announced, actually.)
4. pelican.
5. juliana hatfield, "made in china." (don't hate. maybe a few of the lyrics are ham-fisted, but this album rocks. kind of like what sleater-kinney may have been aiming for with "the woods," but with actual songs and less blooze.)
5. the verlaines. (of course.) (p.s. they are recording a new album! this is a great thing. you just don't know it. finding out about stuff like this is why, no matter how annoying and pervy and corporate myspace becomes, i cannot disavow it completely.)

places i ate hot dogs last saturday:
1. vienna beef hot dog factory.
2. jimmy's red hots.
3. gene and jude's.
4. superdawg.
5. wolfy's.
6. u lucky dawg.
7. byron's.*

cool things on the internet:
1. this. (courtesy of s/fj.)
2. and this.

* (a bite.)

Friday, March 02, 2007


i am so incredibly behind. on school stuff, work projects, everything. i meant to do stuff tonight, but ended up online window-shopping for dresses in a half-coma. but whatever. it's been eventful. best-friend visits and six-figure job interviews don't happen all that often, let alone in one week.

despite everything else going on, it was so great to have jess in town. as ever, she validates my opinions and ideas but also grounds me so much. laughter all around. it's funny how some things (for us, walking to white hen and watching conan) never change.

and the mega-interview was actually not that bad. i was a little stiff with the first guy, but became much more comfortable and really enjoyed talking to everyone i met. i met with three partners, then one associate; the last "interview" was just a very informal lunch with two more. if i actually got this job, it would be such a change..but i've been wanting one. i often do well when something unexpected just comes at me, like this certainly has, because i'm not always the best about seeking change out for myself and it keeps things interesting. i think i need my world shaken up a bit right now and certainly want more of a challenge.

and, well, yeah, the money. holy wu tang jesus, you can't ignore the money. the hours would be long, really long at times; it's almost too obvious to mention. but the kids i had lunch with (who were nice and funny and pretty cool) were able to actually use all their vacation time...and do some pretty awesome things with it. in contrast with, oh, pretty much every year since college, when i've worked a ton and still couldn't afford to travel anywhere. and most of my other issues with the big firm experience are specific to litigation, as opposed to the stuff i would be doing with this job. the female partner i met with seemed a lot like me, in some surprising ways. and she is on top of her game, in an area of the law where there are still very few female partners. we had such a candid conversation, which was extremely affirming and encouraging. so who knows? maybe i'll wind up in the last place i thought i'd ever be. can't say it'd be the first time.

i have one other story which deserves its own post but it'll have to wait. i have a hot dog tour to rest up for!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

prescient horoscope

i have to interview with seven people in two hours. i just had to dial up the wikipedia for "private equity" to make sure i even know what those seven people will be saying to me. so i had to laugh at this:

"Capricorn: There is much to be learned from conflict and trial -- after all, high pressure is what creates diamonds, right? It might not please you to know that the next twenty-four hours may be a bit stressful, but after this day is over, you will be a better person. Not every day can be a breeze, and going through a rough patch will make you all the more appreciative when you encounter smooth sailing again -- and this will happen much sooner than you think."