Friday, July 20, 2007

just thought you should know

the sky right now is amazing. luminous prussian blue with cottony clouds moving so fast and so low that as i stood on the street, the biggest one passed over me like a u.f.o. in the movies. and the stars, wow! they are big, middle of kansas big. seriously, it's like a bierstadt painting come alive, minus the mountains.


Nick said...

quit huffing glue in your carrell.

P.S. I farted on your glue.

Anonymous said...

man, i was going to write "i farted on your comment" (before i even knew what it was) but you beat me to it. should have known. actually i wrote that from the comfort of my own apartment! i would love to be at the library after midnight, though. i bet all the JMLS staff lifers light pyres of old law reviews and drink the blood of failed 1Ls. that's the real reason for the anchor curve. how else do these people live past 100?

ppp said...

this post is useless without pictures! you're a hipster internet girl with a flickr account and a camera, get to it!