Sunday, February 04, 2007


this whole post is interesting, and relevant, if very sprawling, but really the only thing you need to read is the first few paragraphs. strike that, really the only thing you need to read is this:

"Didion frames it all another graph on, perceiving 'not just a vulgarity of diction' but:

When someone speaks...of the 'freedom fighter uniforms' in which the 'communist operatives'... disguise themselves, that person is not arguing a case, but counting instead on the willingness of the listener to enter what Hannah Arendt called, in a discussion of propaganda, 'the gruesome quiet of an entirely imaginary world.'"

remind you of any presidents you know?

this weekend has been fun, equal parts crazy and lazy. i have not managed my time entirely well given how busy the next week or ten days is shaping up to be (I WOKE UP AT 12:30 TODAY), but i think i knew that the leisureliness of this weekend was a foregone conclusion. and when you're being leisurely, you might as well fucking commit to it, or you're only going to be even more stressed out afterwards.

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