Friday, March 09, 2007


i'm sorry, i really hate to make this blog very law school-y, and i know the last couple entries totally were, but. . .man, i kind of screwed myself. i'm not really sure where today (before 6 p.m. class) went, other than ipod maintenance, nail painting, trying to get one of the neanderthals at IBABY on the phone, and running. i definitely didn't work much on my complaint which is due saturday a.m. but anyone who reads this, or who has known me for any period of time, well knows my self-sabotaging tendencies re: writing deadlines. and i guess i just kind of knew in my bones that i would be going out after girl loren is one of my Top Best Friends Ever, and she's outta here in, like, a month and a half, so, carpe diem. i guess i didn't realize "a beer" would turn into such a long night. even knowing us. and i'm kind of underestimating how much stuff i have to do before NOLA. but it'll work itself out, though, right?

p.s. seems like lots of people lately have told me, in a roundabout, belated, way, that they read this thing. WELL YOU SHOULD COMMENT, THEN! i say this because i am superficial, but also, i want to know what you think and HOW YOU ARE DOING. ok? thx.


Anonymous said...

Nice Double post, were ya drunk when ya posted?

See, I comment. Well, I'm sure there are at least a couple of times you'd wish I didn't.

J Nick

Anonymous said...

shut up! you are so. . .half-right.

ppp said...

Hi Claire!

I am doing semi-o.k. My room is a superfund site, and my research is sucking. But, I am learning to ballroom dance and I'm going to Boston in a couple weeks to see Kate and Tanya (and Kamal!). Law school must be winding up for you. Are you excited? I hope your job stuff works out.
