it's probably long past the point where anyone caring to read this needs the information, but we moved:
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, December 15, 2007
yes, virginia, there is a santa claus
2. i get to go to TWO of those special, fancy WILCO shows in february
3. i weathered a bruising "learning experience" at work, and came out the other side with good vibes all around
4. there is a NEW VERLAINES ALBUM.
as to #4, yes, it's finally real. typically . . .unique cover art, but i'm sure it portends typically fantastic music.
happy holidays!
2. i get to go to TWO of those special, fancy WILCO shows in february
3. i weathered a bruising "learning experience" at work, and came out the other side with good vibes all around
4. there is a NEW VERLAINES ALBUM.
as to #4, yes, it's finally real. typically . . .unique cover art, but i'm sure it portends typically fantastic music.
happy holidays!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
i could give you anything but time
yep, this about sums it up:
Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)
This can be a stressful day for you that begins with great hopes. Frustration builds if you realize you've promised more than you can deliver. Don't let up; you don't have the luxury of wasting time wallowing in despair. Rest assured that whatever you can accomplish now will be plenty.
(personal to God, re: the pissing rain during my walk to the office. nice touch! it added that perfect little hint of Dickensian bleakness. way to take it there!)
Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)
This can be a stressful day for you that begins with great hopes. Frustration builds if you realize you've promised more than you can deliver. Don't let up; you don't have the luxury of wasting time wallowing in despair. Rest assured that whatever you can accomplish now will be plenty.
(personal to God, re: the pissing rain during my walk to the office. nice touch! it added that perfect little hint of Dickensian bleakness. way to take it there!)
Monday, November 12, 2007
i may be out of it, but i'm still into you
riding high off of some eleven hours' sleep, we are feeling good (and lazy) enough to attempt some pre-work blogging. so if you are expecting some kind of coherence, i suggest you look elsewhere.
(speaking of work, one of the very first things i did at my new job involved a piece of paper that referenced one "janky technology co., ltd." no, really. i really have nothing to add here.)
first off:
(1) the most addictive website ever, but it's procrastination you can justify. win/win/win. (thanks, kamal.)
(2) andrew bird at daytrotter. how has this not happened before now? predictably amazing stuff, particularly the "kamera"-ed up version of "fiery crash." go, go and get the mp3s while they last!
less time-sensitive:
(1) i finally got to see john vanderslice. for lame, inconsequential reasons, i had not caught his live show before now. if you aren't familiar, JV's songs are very nuanced, but he and his band were so skillful that they were able to adapt the songs in surprising ways to better translate in a rock-club setting. plus his bass/violin player did a ridiculously spot-on michael mcdonald impersonation, which was worth the cost of admission right there. the set was so diverse both in terms of the songs and their presentation (full band, solo, white-stripish duo version of "pale horse".) he/they concluded their set playing a song in the crowd, on the floor of the empty bottle,
encouraging audience members to go on stage in kind, and announcing beforehand that there would be a lil' wayne/UGK dance party to follow. and there was. remarkable show.
(2) a gay guy wastes your time. it's not fully realized, and kind of overstays its welcome, but oh my fucking god is the basic idea so right on. this made me really happy.
(3) "bacon makes cannibalism acceptable." you really don't want to know how many times i've watched this. i blame my current lack of a tv. and my still-burning crush on conan o'brien. (related - still funny. so funny that my mom nearly snorted her chardonnay.)
just plain old:
for sure, the cultural moment for this has passed, but it is so fucking funny that i couldn't not post it. seriously, swift-like levels of satire. not for the easily offended.
there's a new hollAnd record? no, wait, there were two this year?? i am gobsmacked. kerfluffled even. it was enough to make me get out all my old albums of his, which all hold up pretty excellently. except for the stuff i never put away because it's fucking awesome. yeah, he has a pretentious/artsy side (see band name) but here the focus is on spare, deceptively catchy pop songs. hyper, sexy, and yet a little bit arch. (kind of like yours truly.) both albums are a little more guitary than expected, which surprised me at first. the old-old stuff excepted, i've loved hollAnd most when the casios buzz and whir - synths as guitar substitutes. but no complaints here whatsoever; it wasn't long before i was completely hooked. and FUCK the postal service comparisons, for a variety of reasons. this was a really exciting surprise.
also, happy belated 50th, bob pollard. i know you're kind of a fucked-up dude, and i've only listened to (one of) your new album(s) once in the last few weeks, but you have written far too many of my inspirational jammers for me not to acknowledge the occasion.
(speaking of work, one of the very first things i did at my new job involved a piece of paper that referenced one "janky technology co., ltd." no, really. i really have nothing to add here.)
first off:
(1) the most addictive website ever, but it's procrastination you can justify. win/win/win. (thanks, kamal.)
(2) andrew bird at daytrotter. how has this not happened before now? predictably amazing stuff, particularly the "kamera"-ed up version of "fiery crash." go, go and get the mp3s while they last!
less time-sensitive:
(1) i finally got to see john vanderslice. for lame, inconsequential reasons, i had not caught his live show before now. if you aren't familiar, JV's songs are very nuanced, but he and his band were so skillful that they were able to adapt the songs in surprising ways to better translate in a rock-club setting. plus his bass/violin player did a ridiculously spot-on michael mcdonald impersonation, which was worth the cost of admission right there. the set was so diverse both in terms of the songs and their presentation (full band, solo, white-stripish duo version of "pale horse".) he/they concluded their set playing a song in the crowd, on the floor of the empty bottle,
encouraging audience members to go on stage in kind, and announcing beforehand that there would be a lil' wayne/UGK dance party to follow. and there was. remarkable show.
(2) a gay guy wastes your time. it's not fully realized, and kind of overstays its welcome, but oh my fucking god is the basic idea so right on. this made me really happy.
(3) "bacon makes cannibalism acceptable." you really don't want to know how many times i've watched this. i blame my current lack of a tv. and my still-burning crush on conan o'brien. (related - still funny. so funny that my mom nearly snorted her chardonnay.)
just plain old:
for sure, the cultural moment for this has passed, but it is so fucking funny that i couldn't not post it. seriously, swift-like levels of satire. not for the easily offended.
there's a new hollAnd record? no, wait, there were two this year?? i am gobsmacked. kerfluffled even. it was enough to make me get out all my old albums of his, which all hold up pretty excellently. except for the stuff i never put away because it's fucking awesome. yeah, he has a pretentious/artsy side (see band name) but here the focus is on spare, deceptively catchy pop songs. hyper, sexy, and yet a little bit arch. (kind of like yours truly.) both albums are a little more guitary than expected, which surprised me at first. the old-old stuff excepted, i've loved hollAnd most when the casios buzz and whir - synths as guitar substitutes. but no complaints here whatsoever; it wasn't long before i was completely hooked. and FUCK the postal service comparisons, for a variety of reasons. this was a really exciting surprise.
also, happy belated 50th, bob pollard. i know you're kind of a fucked-up dude, and i've only listened to (one of) your new album(s) once in the last few weeks, but you have written far too many of my inspirational jammers for me not to acknowledge the occasion.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
i went to cvs today. when i got home, i discovered that the gal there put my tampons in a separate paper bag within the plastic one. why? did she think they were going to leak girl-cooties onto the other items? i am seriously baffled by this.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
the question is how fast
basically a cut-and-paste of a recent email, sue me:
two big things to share: one good, one heartbreaking.
today i had my first day of work at my new job. it was good; it felt great. true to form, the morning commute was a clusterfuck/comedy of errors and i very nearly ran late, but the stress was soon forgotten. i mainly just had training/icebreaker stuff today, and lunch with an adviser. it was really good, not, like, some guy with a power point presentation droning on. in keeping with my previous experiences, everyone i dealt with was super-encouraging, down-to-earth, and funny. nothing sugarcoated but no needless psych-outs. it was good to hear, repeatedly, that: i'm not supposed to know anything right now, or for a while, really; i ought to focus on figuring out/actualizing what i want to get out of the job rather than just being a team player; that i shouldn't worry about hours for the rest of the year, and that i should make a point to take all the vacation time i get. i got along well with all the other new hires, and truly, would-have-a-beer-with-them-anyway liked a lot of them. lunch was great and i liked what i heard about the some of the work i may be doing. it's a little weird to suddenly have my own office and support staff (i.e. to be someone's boss)...but it's exciting.
then, the other stuff. as some of you know, my brother suffered a serious head injury a week ago and has been in the hospital ever since. that's the nutshell version; all i can say is it's actually way more complicated. physically, he's recovering well and more rapidly than expected. but he has a very long road ahead of him. it just really kills me, for the obvious reasons, because he's already been dealt more than his share of bad cards in the past, and because things tend to hit him harder emotionally than the rest of my family. though they have responded in a startlingly positive, pragmatic way, it's been really hard on my parents.
...and then, in a few days, there's moving.
hope your lives are more boring right now! seriously.
two big things to share: one good, one heartbreaking.
today i had my first day of work at my new job. it was good; it felt great. true to form, the morning commute was a clusterfuck/comedy of errors and i very nearly ran late, but the stress was soon forgotten. i mainly just had training/icebreaker stuff today, and lunch with an adviser. it was really good, not, like, some guy with a power point presentation droning on. in keeping with my previous experiences, everyone i dealt with was super-encouraging, down-to-earth, and funny. nothing sugarcoated but no needless psych-outs. it was good to hear, repeatedly, that: i'm not supposed to know anything right now, or for a while, really; i ought to focus on figuring out/actualizing what i want to get out of the job rather than just being a team player; that i shouldn't worry about hours for the rest of the year, and that i should make a point to take all the vacation time i get. i got along well with all the other new hires, and truly, would-have-a-beer-with-them-anyway liked a lot of them. lunch was great and i liked what i heard about the some of the work i may be doing. it's a little weird to suddenly have my own office and support staff (i.e. to be someone's boss)...but it's exciting.
then, the other stuff. as some of you know, my brother suffered a serious head injury a week ago and has been in the hospital ever since. that's the nutshell version; all i can say is it's actually way more complicated. physically, he's recovering well and more rapidly than expected. but he has a very long road ahead of him. it just really kills me, for the obvious reasons, because he's already been dealt more than his share of bad cards in the past, and because things tend to hit him harder emotionally than the rest of my family. though they have responded in a startlingly positive, pragmatic way, it's been really hard on my parents.
...and then, in a few days, there's moving.
hope your lives are more boring right now! seriously.
Friday, September 14, 2007
hey you guys
if you happen to pray or that sort of thing, could you send some of it in the direction of my family? someone that i'm close to is going through a really, really hard time.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
no one uses the phone anymore
an excerpt from this week's email from marsha:
"Hey...forgot to tell you I love that bed in the Crate and Barrel photos. Watched the brand new season opener of Curb you E tonight...So funny. He and Cheryl adopted a black family from a poor area after a Katrina like storm. Their name is he said that is so funny...'Like I'm a Jew and my name is Jew!!'"
from furniture catalogs to larry david quotes in 5 seconds. and you wonder where i get it from.
"Hey...forgot to tell you I love that bed in the Crate and Barrel photos. Watched the brand new season opener of Curb you E tonight...So funny. He and Cheryl adopted a black family from a poor area after a Katrina like storm. Their name is he said that is so funny...'Like I'm a Jew and my name is Jew!!'"
from furniture catalogs to larry david quotes in 5 seconds. and you wonder where i get it from.
break your own glass ceiling
Capricorn (Dec 22- Jan 19)
You cannot escape the stress now, for seeking the safety of stable structures is not an option. Things you have relied on in the past could be changing. Everything is different now. Fortunately, once you get past your fear of the unknown, you may find it quite exhilarating. This is a ride that you'll remember for a long time.
perhaps it's corny, but it's reassuring to read something like that when you just sold all your furniture, you're about to start a new job and move to a new place, and half your friends have moved away. whee!
(p.s. if the last entry did not already clue you in, i have decided to try out the well-worn blogging fallback of titling entries with song lyrics. i might as well put all of those verses in my head to SOME use, and maybe you will google your way to some new music that you enjoy. it'
You cannot escape the stress now, for seeking the safety of stable structures is not an option. Things you have relied on in the past could be changing. Everything is different now. Fortunately, once you get past your fear of the unknown, you may find it quite exhilarating. This is a ride that you'll remember for a long time.
perhaps it's corny, but it's reassuring to read something like that when you just sold all your furniture, you're about to start a new job and move to a new place, and half your friends have moved away. whee!
(p.s. if the last entry did not already clue you in, i have decided to try out the well-worn blogging fallback of titling entries with song lyrics. i might as well put all of those verses in my head to SOME use, and maybe you will google your way to some new music that you enjoy. it'
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
i'd stoop to that, sure i would
so last night, i set out to schuba's to see the band ida. they are a big big big favorite of mine, and they don't tour very often. gorgeous harmonies, hilarious banter, consummate musicians and music fans, radiant people. "the loudest quiet band i know," as one friend put it. being that i am a gyspy right now and had really not been in chicago in over a week, i only found out about the show that afternoon. and being that most of my friends are either unemployed and broke, or employed and busy, everyone i texted was either MIA or couldn't go. which is fine, it was an early show and i was just excited to hang out and hear the music.
i don't know how many of you are familiar with the music of ida. they are not easily pigeonholed, but the majority of their catalog could broadly fall into two categories: couple music, and sad bastard music. an ida concert is thus not a place to hit on chicks, at least not overtly. nevertheless, some poor bastard tried. relentlessly.
i will admit that i opened the door. it was dim, and i am chatty. the lead singer made some funny comment, and i looked over to whoever was next to me and said something like, "there's a kernel of truth to that." intended as acknowledgment/commentary and not macking, but whatever. regardless, this person did not say ANYTHING back, and said nothing at all for probably twenty-five minutes. then all of a sudden i'm getting offered a beer. (yeah, i took it. this is me we're talking about, here. and as the story will show, i earned it. (not that way, parish.))
immediately, this guy is peppering me with questions. i was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for showing some gumption, but at the same time, it's an IDA show and thus meant to be quiet most of the time. and he started gratuitously yapping about his band, and who they've toured with. (give me a FUCKING break. he even talked shit about ted leo!) so when the band started in on one of my favorite songs, i politely interrupted him and whispered, "sorry, i love this song." to which, out of the entire universe of words he could have used (not to mention, SILENCE), he chose to respond with, "you love it? do you wanna marry it?" Swear. To. God. that pretty much sealed his fate right there. what are we, in fourth grade?
mercifully, so mercifully, i spotted a friend of mine near the end of the show and, excusing myself, beelined over there, literally startling him due to my haste and palpable desperation. so in the end, it all worked out. i ditched the mongoloid, finagled a ride, and got home in time for the feist-fest on letterman.
but, lord.
i don't know how many of you are familiar with the music of ida. they are not easily pigeonholed, but the majority of their catalog could broadly fall into two categories: couple music, and sad bastard music. an ida concert is thus not a place to hit on chicks, at least not overtly. nevertheless, some poor bastard tried. relentlessly.
i will admit that i opened the door. it was dim, and i am chatty. the lead singer made some funny comment, and i looked over to whoever was next to me and said something like, "there's a kernel of truth to that." intended as acknowledgment/commentary and not macking, but whatever. regardless, this person did not say ANYTHING back, and said nothing at all for probably twenty-five minutes. then all of a sudden i'm getting offered a beer. (yeah, i took it. this is me we're talking about, here. and as the story will show, i earned it. (not that way, parish.))
immediately, this guy is peppering me with questions. i was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for showing some gumption, but at the same time, it's an IDA show and thus meant to be quiet most of the time. and he started gratuitously yapping about his band, and who they've toured with. (give me a FUCKING break. he even talked shit about ted leo!) so when the band started in on one of my favorite songs, i politely interrupted him and whispered, "sorry, i love this song." to which, out of the entire universe of words he could have used (not to mention, SILENCE), he chose to respond with, "you love it? do you wanna marry it?" Swear. To. God. that pretty much sealed his fate right there. what are we, in fourth grade?
mercifully, so mercifully, i spotted a friend of mine near the end of the show and, excusing myself, beelined over there, literally startling him due to my haste and palpable desperation. so in the end, it all worked out. i ditched the mongoloid, finagled a ride, and got home in time for the feist-fest on letterman.
but, lord.
Monday, August 27, 2007
i'd call it a win.
tonight i saw my perpetual crush object, andrew bird, at my favorite retail outlet, target. swiftly reaffirming the ruling status of both. clearly this proves that we are meant to be together. i mean, besides target, we have so much in common. we both went to northwestern, we both like his music. . .it's like we're the same person! if he bought a wine cube then we are soulmates. this on a day which already involved cookies, vietnamese food, and a massage. life can be good sometimes.
besides that. . .well, i guess there's a lot. exams and their aftermath, a new apartment and mulitple travels. it would be near-unreadable to catch up; i recommend you check the flickr, and maybe your inbox (sprawling emails are far easier to read than sprawling blog posts). the even money says i'll post some shit from youtube, though.
besides that. . .well, i guess there's a lot. exams and their aftermath, a new apartment and mulitple travels. it would be near-unreadable to catch up; i recommend you check the flickr, and maybe your inbox (sprawling emails are far easier to read than sprawling blog posts). the even money says i'll post some shit from youtube, though.
Friday, July 20, 2007
just thought you should know
the sky right now is amazing. luminous prussian blue with cottony clouds moving so fast and so low that as i stood on the street, the biggest one passed over me like a u.f.o. in the movies. and the stars, wow! they are big, middle of kansas big. seriously, it's like a bierstadt painting come alive, minus the mountains.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
i heart chicago
i just got back from that 5k at the stadium formerly known as comiskey park. i SOOO wish i had brought a camera. it was perfect weather, and the race was objectively good; it was well-organized, i was happy with how i felt, and happy with my time. but mainly, it was just SOOOO cool to finish by sprinting into the actual park, like onto the field. then everybody got free beers and watched a surprisingly galvanized local h (yeah) play for an hour. they were undoubtedly hungover or at least sleep-deprived, and they phoned in part of it but were actually pretty cool and very high-energy. bonus points for doing a hard-charging chicago cover in the middle of their "hit" and also a well-executed version of brit-brit's "toxic." (yeah, i do mean chicago the BAND.) pretty funny dudes, too. surreal and fun and quintessentially chicagoan. i really hate that i have to go study now.
Friday, July 13, 2007
there is a shortage in the blood supply, there is no shortage of blood
it's ok. we are back. last couple weeks = low-level smoking habit, ipod trained exclusively on the mountain goats and ida. (i.e., Sad Bastard Music. specifically and especially Tallahassee, unsurprising as this stupid exam has made my brain as dysfunctional as the Alpha Couple.) but we can see the light at the end of the the tunnel. running our 5ks, doing our practice tests, looking ahead to the august we can enjoy, after we kill the bar dead and get drunk for several days. books, travel, friends, sleep--small miracles.
i'm not going crazy, just tired. and tired of seeing the negative effects this professional hazing ritual is having on my good friends.
things i think about in my cubicle:
1. new spoon album = characteristically consistent, an excellent soundtrack to the summer i'm not having. at this point now, they've honed their sound so much that they almost quote themselves. for better ("finer feelings" = wiser, looser, happier "me and the bean"), and for worse ("rhthm and soul" = poor man's "monsieur valentine.") jim eno deserves some kind of medal or something, though. my mind is also blown by the fact that the dude laying down those smoove bass lines was in the mothereffing get up kids. still wrapping my head around that nugget of information.
2. new stars album = i want to like it so much more, especially since this was totally classy and incredibly shrewd. i mean, i knew it wasn't going to match "set yourself on fire", an album i will unreservedly rank as one of the best of the last ten years. this one = too much of what i didn't like about "heart" and no "elevator love letter" to redeem it. it's mainly the piano ballands and the synths--employed more for 80s cheeze than modern atmospherics. and some good stuff to be sure. dude is pulling a full-on morrissey impersonation on a few tracks and it's actually a good look. but overall a little weaker than i expected.
3. target, killing it with their cute sundresses. the photo does NOT do justice. the pinks are pinker and the grey is really a robins-egg blue. i look forward to wearing this when i have a social life again.
4. i am a bad hipster, i haven't listened to lil' wayne, though i respect his constant repping for NOLA. but i saw an interview in which he kept referring to his peers and mentors as "ninjas." this is brilliant for two reasons: (1) it avoids the connotations and controversy of the "n-word" while still evoking it. (2) ninjas are inherently awesome.
5., but should be pornos and MY FAVORITE FEMALE VOICE EVER. you know, i think i might go see that.
6. getting legitimately excited about my job, for a variety of reasons.
7. getting legitimately excited about the new caribou record. what i've heard is pretty, intricate and blissed out as ever. merge now = matador 15 years ago? probably better, in terms of both constistency and sheer diversity.
8. where should i move?
9. what should i do in san franciso when i'm there? (bonus points if your suggestion involves food.)
10. i need to study.
i'm not going crazy, just tired. and tired of seeing the negative effects this professional hazing ritual is having on my good friends.
things i think about in my cubicle:
1. new spoon album = characteristically consistent, an excellent soundtrack to the summer i'm not having. at this point now, they've honed their sound so much that they almost quote themselves. for better ("finer feelings" = wiser, looser, happier "me and the bean"), and for worse ("rhthm and soul" = poor man's "monsieur valentine.") jim eno deserves some kind of medal or something, though. my mind is also blown by the fact that the dude laying down those smoove bass lines was in the mothereffing get up kids. still wrapping my head around that nugget of information.
2. new stars album = i want to like it so much more, especially since this was totally classy and incredibly shrewd. i mean, i knew it wasn't going to match "set yourself on fire", an album i will unreservedly rank as one of the best of the last ten years. this one = too much of what i didn't like about "heart" and no "elevator love letter" to redeem it. it's mainly the piano ballands and the synths--employed more for 80s cheeze than modern atmospherics. and some good stuff to be sure. dude is pulling a full-on morrissey impersonation on a few tracks and it's actually a good look. but overall a little weaker than i expected.
3. target, killing it with their cute sundresses. the photo does NOT do justice. the pinks are pinker and the grey is really a robins-egg blue. i look forward to wearing this when i have a social life again.
4. i am a bad hipster, i haven't listened to lil' wayne, though i respect his constant repping for NOLA. but i saw an interview in which he kept referring to his peers and mentors as "ninjas." this is brilliant for two reasons: (1) it avoids the connotations and controversy of the "n-word" while still evoking it. (2) ninjas are inherently awesome.
5., but should be pornos and MY FAVORITE FEMALE VOICE EVER. you know, i think i might go see that.
6. getting legitimately excited about my job, for a variety of reasons.
7. getting legitimately excited about the new caribou record. what i've heard is pretty, intricate and blissed out as ever. merge now = matador 15 years ago? probably better, in terms of both constistency and sheer diversity.
8. where should i move?
9. what should i do in san franciso when i'm there? (bonus points if your suggestion involves food.)
10. i need to study.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
things and stuff
this looks like it may have been kind of awesome. (lzp, can you confirm or deny?) no complaints, though. one of the kansas city julies was in town yesterday and we actually had a really good talk. p.s. the drinks here are AMAZING, 'cause i'm a yuppie like that. p.p.s. i got a 58 percent on my practice multistate bar exam! no, seriously. that's actually a GOOD score. and you wonder why this fucks with my head?
Sunday, June 24, 2007
dear cta,
next year can you, like, not pick the day of the us v. mexico soccer final, cubs/sox game, and gay pride parade to work on the tracks? k thx.
dear mayor daley,
i know we are a diverse city. and i guess that includes people who listen to boney james. but was it really necessary to host a THREE-DAY "smooth jazz" festival, like, six feet from my school? couldn't you have conjured a bullshit permit violation like you do for your opponents' fundraisers? you studied for the bar once, too.
your pal,
next year can you, like, not pick the day of the us v. mexico soccer final, cubs/sox game, and gay pride parade to work on the tracks? k thx.
dear mayor daley,
i know we are a diverse city. and i guess that includes people who listen to boney james. but was it really necessary to host a THREE-DAY "smooth jazz" festival, like, six feet from my school? couldn't you have conjured a bullshit permit violation like you do for your opponents' fundraisers? you studied for the bar once, too.
your pal,
Thursday, June 21, 2007
oh p.s., while i am still playing hooky from outlining secured transactions essays:
jennifer o'connor* is having a big summer sale! her latest album is still, months and months later, one of my absolute faves, and frankly, i can't think of anybody i know who wouldn't find something to love there. understated and affecting. RIYL, i don't know, elliott smith, "girls can tell"-era spoon, tom petty, ida.
(* no relation, not paying me)
i'll write about something other than music or bar exams again sometime, i'm sure.
jennifer o'connor* is having a big summer sale! her latest album is still, months and months later, one of my absolute faves, and frankly, i can't think of anybody i know who wouldn't find something to love there. understated and affecting. RIYL, i don't know, elliott smith, "girls can tell"-era spoon, tom petty, ida.
(* no relation, not paying me)
i'll write about something other than music or bar exams again sometime, i'm sure.
survive and advance
i try not to be into nostalgia for nostalgia's sake (which is difficult to avoid lately) but WOW. if you had asked me, "claire, what would it take to rejuvenate you if you were four weeks into studying for the bar and four days into four hours' sleep?" OR alternatively, "claire, what would theoretically be the AWESOMEST superchunk set you could see?" i would direct you to this evening. while, on balance, i'm as much or more a portastatic fan these days, there is no denying the melody and propulsiveness--and generosity--of superchunk at their best. and they were, and they killed it, nailing every nuance of every ripping solo. stef and i were particularly happy to see my personal favorite record "foolish" get some love, BESIDES "driveway to driveway." i pogoed multiple times, until i thought better of it, and/or got a sideache. headbanging is just as cathartic anyway. and it's easier to text simultaneously.
also also there were the mountain goats. this time, there were no hugs, and it was more somber new songs/deep cuts than old "hits", but there was jon wurster on drums (weird/cool; it lent "this year" a "classic indie rock" feel, if i can adopt the term without sounding douchey). even still, i think the metro is a little cavernous for them but with some emotion and ingenuity they came through.
more to the point. i knew that that it was a cancer-awareness related benefit, and i knew it was directed towards the efforts of a particular fan/fighter, but i really didn't know the whole story. some of the family elaborated and it was both heartbreaking. and inspiring. (p.s. they played all three of those songs.)
on a related note, yet firmly in the 21st century (it's nice here!) it looks like SCRAWL is back together. this makes me extremely happy. it would be simplistic to characterize them by their gender (as the "foxcore, my ass" tour made clear)--their harrowing, ass-kicking songs address emotions and dysfunctions readily identifiable to anyone with a pulse and they rock really, really hard. yet it's hard not to ascribe a uniquely feminine perspective to the scope and emotional heft of their songwriting, more weary confessional than romanticized self-loathing. "your mother wants to know" is starker than a country song, and one of very few songs i can think of outside of that genre to really, candidly address--in the PRESENT tense--the unspoken fissures that can exist in the relationship between a parent and adult child. self-doubt and dependency, anger, passion and liberation, it's all there. the world kind of needs them right now. or at least i do.
what else? my brain is oatmeal from all this law stuff. OH: at dinner tonight, i looked up at the baseball game on the television behind us to discover that there is for reals a player named "COCO CRISP." i would not lie to you about something like that.
also also there were the mountain goats. this time, there were no hugs, and it was more somber new songs/deep cuts than old "hits", but there was jon wurster on drums (weird/cool; it lent "this year" a "classic indie rock" feel, if i can adopt the term without sounding douchey). even still, i think the metro is a little cavernous for them but with some emotion and ingenuity they came through.
more to the point. i knew that that it was a cancer-awareness related benefit, and i knew it was directed towards the efforts of a particular fan/fighter, but i really didn't know the whole story. some of the family elaborated and it was both heartbreaking. and inspiring. (p.s. they played all three of those songs.)
on a related note, yet firmly in the 21st century (it's nice here!) it looks like SCRAWL is back together. this makes me extremely happy. it would be simplistic to characterize them by their gender (as the "foxcore, my ass" tour made clear)--their harrowing, ass-kicking songs address emotions and dysfunctions readily identifiable to anyone with a pulse and they rock really, really hard. yet it's hard not to ascribe a uniquely feminine perspective to the scope and emotional heft of their songwriting, more weary confessional than romanticized self-loathing. "your mother wants to know" is starker than a country song, and one of very few songs i can think of outside of that genre to really, candidly address--in the PRESENT tense--the unspoken fissures that can exist in the relationship between a parent and adult child. self-doubt and dependency, anger, passion and liberation, it's all there. the world kind of needs them right now. or at least i do.
what else? my brain is oatmeal from all this law stuff. OH: at dinner tonight, i looked up at the baseball game on the television behind us to discover that there is for reals a player named "COCO CRISP." i would not lie to you about something like that.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
all i want is one more chance, to be young and wild and free
man. this sucks. sucks and blows. i always thought the students ahead of me were being melodramatic when they talked about studying for the bar, but perhaps not. i'm on day two of studying for this thing, and you know how i was telling everyone i wanted to treat it "like a 9-to-5"? um, try 9-to-9. i'm not going crazy and trying to do every little thing (and unlike a lot of my friends, i'm only taking one class instead of two), but even trying to be "reasonable" it's just very time-consuming. i mean, i have to learn 24 subjects in 7 or 8 weeks, maybe 3/4 of which i've previously taken a class on. i just did a practice test, on the one subject i've been studying for the last couple of days, and and i got 5 out of 17 right. that's not even 30%, holmes. to put it in some perspective, though, that's only a couple questions worse than my friends who have been doing said second class this spring.
shockingly, i really haven't been procrastinating, either! i have so many damn books to carry that i leave my laptop at home. i guess that's good though. it's kind of liberating to be forcibly removed from the internet and its sometimes shallow diversions. and i take some consolation in the fact that most of my friends are in the same suffocating little boat. i mean, my first-year BFF rachael, we've tried and failed to make plans since her graduation party--8 months ago--and i've now seen her twice in two days. sad commentary, eh?
i'll stop bitching now. it's just harsh because i've had a pretty good run of things. i had a fabulous time in dc, and then it was 4 days of being the center of attention, dressing up, eating steak every day, getting drunk every night. intense bro-down session with the brother, rewarding catch-ups with extended family. i uploaded approximately 9 billion photos this week so you can check it out for yourself. but yeah. you know that scene in almost famous? where the kid gets back from tour, beelines to his bed, and promptly passes out, backpack and all? that's pretty much what happened to me on monday after my parents dropped me off. i didn't even eat anything until, like, two in the afternoon, because i took a 4-hour nap. and i usually have, like, two lunches by eleven. still got up and got going to send off loren and ben, though. i miss those two already but i'm excited for their future. i should have talked about that instead of practice test percentages, shouldn't i?
shockingly, i really haven't been procrastinating, either! i have so many damn books to carry that i leave my laptop at home. i guess that's good though. it's kind of liberating to be forcibly removed from the internet and its sometimes shallow diversions. and i take some consolation in the fact that most of my friends are in the same suffocating little boat. i mean, my first-year BFF rachael, we've tried and failed to make plans since her graduation party--8 months ago--and i've now seen her twice in two days. sad commentary, eh?
i'll stop bitching now. it's just harsh because i've had a pretty good run of things. i had a fabulous time in dc, and then it was 4 days of being the center of attention, dressing up, eating steak every day, getting drunk every night. intense bro-down session with the brother, rewarding catch-ups with extended family. i uploaded approximately 9 billion photos this week so you can check it out for yourself. but yeah. you know that scene in almost famous? where the kid gets back from tour, beelines to his bed, and promptly passes out, backpack and all? that's pretty much what happened to me on monday after my parents dropped me off. i didn't even eat anything until, like, two in the afternoon, because i took a 4-hour nap. and i usually have, like, two lunches by eleven. still got up and got going to send off loren and ben, though. i miss those two already but i'm excited for their future. i should have talked about that instead of practice test percentages, shouldn't i?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
because i said so
erica's comment reminded me that i have not mentioned how unsurprisingly awesome the new sea and cake album is. i have really been feeling one bedroom again lately, but this one's a departure in a good way. more stripped down; i hesitate to say that it's more "rocking", but there's even some actual guitar hooks again. all smoove, no snooze. the perfect soundtrack to early summer (i mean, there's even a song called "coconut"). it makes me want to drink a mojito, and i don't even like mojitos.
the new mary timony on the other hand. . .love that woman, and she is obviously one of the greatest living guitarists, but i'm really not feeling this one all the way. even the four-minute songs feel like they are seven. . . i would instead suggest either or both charlotte hatherley albums. it's like if ms. timony fronted a punked-up girl group. similarly unconventional tunings and inventive guitar work, but in a pop song context.
p.s. there may be trouble a-brewing at emusic, aka the reason why i've even listened to both these albums already. say it ain't so! it doesn't excuse underpaying any artists, if that's happening, but i would agree w/ mr. CEO that itunes = song buyers, emusic = album buyers. hopefully it can get sorted.
can you believe i got to school at 8:40 a.m. today? me neither. can you believe that i haven't started working yet? me too.
the new mary timony on the other hand. . .love that woman, and she is obviously one of the greatest living guitarists, but i'm really not feeling this one all the way. even the four-minute songs feel like they are seven. . . i would instead suggest either or both charlotte hatherley albums. it's like if ms. timony fronted a punked-up girl group. similarly unconventional tunings and inventive guitar work, but in a pop song context.
p.s. there may be trouble a-brewing at emusic, aka the reason why i've even listened to both these albums already. say it ain't so! it doesn't excuse underpaying any artists, if that's happening, but i would agree w/ mr. CEO that itunes = song buyers, emusic = album buyers. hopefully it can get sorted.
can you believe i got to school at 8:40 a.m. today? me neither. can you believe that i haven't started working yet? me too.
Monday, May 07, 2007
1. yesterday--long run, thinking hard about the people of greensburg, kansas. i've never been there, but i've passed through many towns like it. block after block, the question i couldn't shake: how do you rebuild a town that was probably already dying?
still, of course, people need help now even if that question can't yet be answered.
2. interesting barack article in the new yorker. the author kind of sucks, and the article focuses as much or more on his skills as a candidate as his potential to be an actual public servant, but i would still call it a must-read. there's still a lot more i need to know about obama, but this gave some insight as to where he may be coming from.
3. i'm not afraid to say this made me cry, even though it's not at all the first such story i've heard. all you people who prefer cats, i will just never fucking understand. i would have to take some seriously mind-altering drugs to even be able to imagine, hypothetically, a cat acting selfless. (sorry, various friends i've offended.)
4. bill clinton crossword.
5. yet another person agrees with me that grey's anatomy (and its progeny) sucks. the author's argument is a tad shrill/second wave but i generally agree. trust me, it can be difficult to be a woman in a high-pressure, traditionally male profession, and lord knows "confused and self-doubting" describes my personal life more often than not, AND i am obvs all for escapist entertainment (boston legal, and lately, mtv cribs), but when you turn on the tv and see a female professional barge in on a fucking surgery to confront someone about some sort of imagined relationship drama? worst. bonus points for the linkage to ally mcbeal, which disturbed me for the same reasons. she is too kind to sex and the city, though.
6. my love for dunkin donuts coffee is still fierce and bostonian. no coffee of any sort has passed my lips in at least six weeks, but this week, i can't help it. it's just the only appropriate beverage for finals.
still, of course, people need help now even if that question can't yet be answered.
2. interesting barack article in the new yorker. the author kind of sucks, and the article focuses as much or more on his skills as a candidate as his potential to be an actual public servant, but i would still call it a must-read. there's still a lot more i need to know about obama, but this gave some insight as to where he may be coming from.
3. i'm not afraid to say this made me cry, even though it's not at all the first such story i've heard. all you people who prefer cats, i will just never fucking understand. i would have to take some seriously mind-altering drugs to even be able to imagine, hypothetically, a cat acting selfless. (sorry, various friends i've offended.)
4. bill clinton crossword.
5. yet another person agrees with me that grey's anatomy (and its progeny) sucks. the author's argument is a tad shrill/second wave but i generally agree. trust me, it can be difficult to be a woman in a high-pressure, traditionally male profession, and lord knows "confused and self-doubting" describes my personal life more often than not, AND i am obvs all for escapist entertainment (boston legal, and lately, mtv cribs), but when you turn on the tv and see a female professional barge in on a fucking surgery to confront someone about some sort of imagined relationship drama? worst. bonus points for the linkage to ally mcbeal, which disturbed me for the same reasons. she is too kind to sex and the city, though.
6. my love for dunkin donuts coffee is still fierce and bostonian. no coffee of any sort has passed my lips in at least six weeks, but this week, i can't help it. it's just the only appropriate beverage for finals.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
freak scene
my apartment is really not the place to be right now. no one here is in a good mood. my roommate is sad because she has a mystery knee injury which has majorly effed up her compulsive running habit, her boyfriend is sad because he's a 1L, and i've just felt jittery and weird for the last 2 or 3 hours. and we're all bummed about finals. howevs, my anxiety is not even about my exam, more the half-dozen urgent things on my mind besides said exam, and all the changes happening in my life generally, buzzing around in my brain at an inopportune time. and probably too much caffeine. seriously, someone pass the klonopin.
although this makes me feel a little better. WOW.
and that said, most of the last several days, at least after saying sayonara to the BUP and turning in my paper, have been pretty laid back, considering. running and sleeping and drinking and laughing and seeing a breathtakingly cathartic ted leo show. and, uh, studying.
p.s. chicago-area readers. i was studying at the loop barnes and noble today and they had several copies of this, in hardback, for, like, seven dollars! do yourselves a favor.
although this makes me feel a little better. WOW.
and that said, most of the last several days, at least after saying sayonara to the BUP and turning in my paper, have been pretty laid back, considering. running and sleeping and drinking and laughing and seeing a breathtakingly cathartic ted leo show. and, uh, studying.
p.s. chicago-area readers. i was studying at the loop barnes and noble today and they had several copies of this, in hardback, for, like, seven dollars! do yourselves a favor.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
am watching The NewsHour and attempting to study, pre ill-advised dollar-burgers sesh with my soon-to-be-ex-law school bff/recent running partner/perpetual life coach loren, and cotey/dustin/brian. lehrer is interviewing sens. patty murray and kay bailey hutchinson--AKA TWO LADIES--about the president's veto of the iraq spending bill. it is serious, it is rigorous, and JL is not asking patronizing questions or softballs (of course). somehow it feels almost revolutionary. i mean, i'm still pleasantly surprised when i see more than the token amount of female commentators, let alone actual (non-pelosi) elected legislators.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
i LOVE you, big black lady with sleep apnea!
somehow, this came up in conversation yesterday and i was compelled to google the actual article--has it really been five years? travis morrison kind of dove into the deep end of quirk these last few years, but this reminds that the d-plan at their best were so humane, funny and irreverent. but regardless about whether you care about some old rock band (it's probably better if you don't), you should READ THIS. not all of it. scroll down to the mid-section. totally hilarious with a very wise conclusion.
Monday, April 23, 2007
soulful birds and soulless hacks
parish and i saw andrew bird on friday. despite a bad hair day and awkward scarf, the wilsonian hotness was still intact. to be honest, his new one was a grower for me as compared to the mysterious production of eggs, and while he's a favorite, i don't keep all of his songs in heavy rotation. but live, though, the sound he makes is just overwhelmingly gorgeous, especially with the increased production values and augmented lineup that he now rocks. parish was won over by the line, "we'll get back at them all with epoxy and a pair of pliers," and really, can you blame him?
we were both a little non-plussed by the opener, apostle of hustle. the guy is talented, and i like certain of his songs, but he veered a little too far into patchouliville on this particular night. also a lot of lead-guitarist-sexface going on. hopefully none of this will influence the next broken social scene album. also, i think i may have inadvertently convinced one of my classmates that i'm a bigot. AWESOME.
anyway, it is worth noting that mr. bird stated that while he is not playing any summer festivals this year, he is HEADLINING THE HIDEOUT FEST. AT THE HIDEOUT. JAM OF THE YEAR? possibly. and i won't be working yet, so yeah. speaking of, these people clearly aren't on to me yet. on friday they sent me a finals care package (!?) of gourmet popcorn and cookies. um, you had me at "we'd like to offer you a position."
on a complete other note, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. be sure to click on all the links, especially the "UPDATE: MORE". feel free to send this chick a vitriolic email on my behalf. she deserves it.
we were both a little non-plussed by the opener, apostle of hustle. the guy is talented, and i like certain of his songs, but he veered a little too far into patchouliville on this particular night. also a lot of lead-guitarist-sexface going on. hopefully none of this will influence the next broken social scene album. also, i think i may have inadvertently convinced one of my classmates that i'm a bigot. AWESOME.
anyway, it is worth noting that mr. bird stated that while he is not playing any summer festivals this year, he is HEADLINING THE HIDEOUT FEST. AT THE HIDEOUT. JAM OF THE YEAR? possibly. and i won't be working yet, so yeah. speaking of, these people clearly aren't on to me yet. on friday they sent me a finals care package (!?) of gourmet popcorn and cookies. um, you had me at "we'd like to offer you a position."
on a complete other note, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. be sure to click on all the links, especially the "UPDATE: MORE". feel free to send this chick a vitriolic email on my behalf. she deserves it.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
back to pop music.
p.s. i agree with this post all the way. ALL the way. if you are my myspace internet quasi-friend you will know that i dig this rihanna song. weird, because i had zero time for her before. but i am a sucker for blown-out fuzz bass, whether it's produced by robert schnieder or "c.tricky stewart." yeah, jay-z is on this track but i like it more in spite of than because. even though my expectations for hova are low at this point, it's superfluous, and aggravating: like, really, why the fuck is he on this? it's like he's eager to add grist to the rumor mill as long as def jam's PPS goes up. and dude is right about the "post-rock" thing...i mean, i remember a few years ago, when it seemed like every show i went to, someone was covering that kylie song: cursive, the flaming lips, you name it. which was fun, and sort of justified. but this song actually DOES sort of have that epic sweep that would lend itself well to heavier, guitar-centric artists. anyway, i likewise agree that the new amerie song is pretty decent too. so it's pretty darn similar to "one thing.' and also the horn riff from "hold on, i'm a comin'." but exactly how and why would that be a bad thing? and yeah, i even agree about the amy winehouse. i actually didn't hear the song until fairly recently, but i too am not immune to the charms of "rehab." even though i have to take a shower after even looking at that chick.
poster of a girl
today was not the greatest. one of those days where you feel both restless and sullen, that feels wasted even though you technically got things done. then you receive a photo like this and you feel a little bit better:

red wine, russell stover easter eggs, and multiple episodes of 'arrested development' also help out.
(p.s. that would be sadie grey murphy, the newest addition to the family of my cousin thomas and his wife julie, aka jack and lulu. and s & g are both family names, actually.)
red wine, russell stover easter eggs, and multiple episodes of 'arrested development' also help out.
(p.s. that would be sadie grey murphy, the newest addition to the family of my cousin thomas and his wife julie, aka jack and lulu. and s & g are both family names, actually.)
Friday, April 06, 2007
so i just got home from my regular thursday night drinking sesh to discover that i'd received a hand-written note from ben and char dykema, the wonderfully midwestern, retired couple that spearheaded the volunteer efforts in which i took part in new orleans in march (from the christian reformed world relief committee, if we're being exact, but whatevs. . . it was secular and i am down with the G-O-D if we're keeping track anyway). fuck, man. i can't even be bothered to put my laundry away.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
eff a motion in limine, for reals.
um, holy shit. this happened, like, half a mile from my school.
still, i think i'm less scared of coyotes than i am the chicago police department right now.
on a happier note, jess has an interview next week for a job at GOOGLE! although they must get 999,999 resumes a week, i can't say that i'm surprised.
still, i think i'm less scared of coyotes than i am the chicago police department right now.
on a happier note, jess has an interview next week for a job at GOOGLE! although they must get 999,999 resumes a week, i can't say that i'm surprised.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
"it's obnoxiously great to be me week" continues
dudes. you know who you are. the flowers--so awesome. i will call or write you all personally tomorrow. right now i have to go eat korean bbq. (!!!!!)
Friday, March 30, 2007
and not forgetting the voice
i should have known better than to wear mascara to a neko case show. it goes without saying at this point, but she is epic. especially at park west, her voice just soared. and backed up by kelly hogan and nora o'connor (tied with jennifer for o'connors i wish i was related to), it was like the triumvirate of chicago-based sirens. trust me, that she made me cry is not at all as surprising as when...certain songs that reduced me to tears the first time i heard them ("star witness", "margaret vs. pauline") sounded surprisingly upbeat live, while "set out running," which initially struck me as well-crafted country pastiche, absolutely killed me. and then were there the songs that always had that effect, like "i wish i was the moon." and then, even though she gave us fair warning that it was "a sad one" there was "in california" (which some googling told me was written by her previous bandmate lisa marr) that turned my eyes from watery to flooded. (check the lyrics and tell me i'm wrong.) which is not at all incompatible with saying that i had the absolute best time. plus she and her ladies are just the funniest, even sans rachael flotard. and songs i previously wrote off, like "favorite," floored me. and in the hands of her capable band and my admirably silent fellow concertgoers, "dirty knife" was absolutely cinematic. the scary thing is, the shows tonight and tomorrow are probably going to be even better.
it was a good day.
have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and you're not rested and you're behind on your work and you're kind of cranky and you just sort of roll with it and you then score a second date with the cute architect and you then get a voicemail from the big firm that you talked to and you later find out that you got a job from the big firm and you then send some gratuitous emails and you then hear some pretty great things from close friends and also from people you thought might not notice at all and you then get a pretty incredible email from your father and you then get an even more incredible email from someone at the big firm and you then take a really, truly, horrible test but you go out after with your thursday night buddies and law school best friend and the horrible bar you usually go to is not that bad and the horrible waitress is replaced with someone really nice and the horrible dude that usually talks to you keeps to his friends and they play your favorite daft punk song and the train comes soon enough and you come home to find that even more people you thought might not notice did and your brother wrote something that makes you cry so you write something even more gratuitous on your goddamned blog? me too, before now. it's pretty heady, not gonna lie.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
if there's been a way to build it. . .
what a LONG day. i left the house at 8:30 and got in about 20 minutes ago. today felt infinitely more like a monday than monday actually did. thank god i have leftovers that i actually want to eat. (that i cooked, even! it happens sometimes.) i have a feeling that i missed some sort of graduation-related deadline. whatevs, i'm not even trying to find out until i finish this glass of wine.
p.s. guess who has a date with a cute architect this weekend?
p.s. guess who has a date with a cute architect this weekend?
for someone who hasn't finished a book in months, i can sound pretty pretentious
so much to say, so little motivation to say it...i've been doing a lot of living lately, and my focus is elsewhere as i try to sort through all my obligations: little things, big things, little parts of big things, little things with big impact and vice versa. NOLA pictures are up on flickr, though they give no indication of the amazing people i met down there. hardworking, earnest, generous people who are trying to move forward from almost incomprehensible upheaval and turmoil, and with very little assistance from anyone. i have to write something for the school about the work i did; maybe i'll copy that here whenever that gets done.
the anti-war march today ended up being inspiring. i went down with people from my school, who were serving as legal observers for the nlg. i spaced on the training for that, so i just went down to march and help them out. the pre-march rally mostly annoyed me, frankly. it was primarily populated by career protesters, shrill and irrelevant ists (social-, neo-lenin-, etc., whatevs), apple-cheeked 19 year-olds shouting about the people's revolution, nutjobs in costumes. notable exception: the kid from iraq veterans against the war. jesus christ. and kathy kelly, who changed the name of her group now that the violence in iraq is more than economic. she brought up the plight of the many refugees of the war, which i'm ashamed to admit i haven't considered very much either.
the actual march, however, was a different story. and the fact that it was actually, finally on michigan again (no small victory, symbolic or otherwise, after the giant civil rights violation that was 4 years ago), made it feel like some sort of impact may have been made, for once. ugg-booted mothers and daughters, art-damaged college kids, church folks, old-timers and everyone in between (people of color, even! i sound snarky, and yes, that is a commentary on the (often-understandable) (non)appeal of liberal activism to minorities, but also on the super-scary presence of the chicago p.d., to be explained shortly) all marching down FUCKING MICHIGAN AVENUE at dinnertime. to a man, every cab driver honked in support. and you know, the cops were alright, as i have mostly found to be the case at these things. they joked with us, and each other, we joked with them and ourselves. they're on overtime, they're doing what they have to do. but the riot cops, of which there had to be two or three hundred, were just plain unnerving. not their conduct, which was totally hands-off, but the sheer presence, for blocks and blocks. the masks obscuring their faces, the big wooden canes. you don't see that in new york, even. i can't think of any recent march i've attended or been in the vicinity of that wasn't the same way (last year this time, the immigration rally)--or rather, any march since 4 years ago. it's an obvious message. daley doesn't like surprises. period. i'm glad i went. it's sick that this war has gone on so long that i can compare and contrast ANNUAL marches. it's sick that it ever began. i finally read the seymour hersh article from three new yorkers ago and it made me fired up. and sad. and really, really confused.
on another note, and apropos of nothing, ted leo and i have the same favorite stereolab song! i only listen to that album maybe once a year, if that, but i have that song in my head at least once a week. probably because something in my life feels out of control at least once a week. soothing and fortifying. in the context of the album as a whole, i guess it sounds like pop neo-marxism, but independent of that, the lyric is just, like, the best advice ever.
related to that: i was so busy crushing on andrew bird that i forgot dude's album came out today too! it was a pleasant surprise.
ok, i'm going to go try and fight the good fight against stress-induced insomnia now. laters.
the anti-war march today ended up being inspiring. i went down with people from my school, who were serving as legal observers for the nlg. i spaced on the training for that, so i just went down to march and help them out. the pre-march rally mostly annoyed me, frankly. it was primarily populated by career protesters, shrill and irrelevant ists (social-, neo-lenin-, etc., whatevs), apple-cheeked 19 year-olds shouting about the people's revolution, nutjobs in costumes. notable exception: the kid from iraq veterans against the war. jesus christ. and kathy kelly, who changed the name of her group now that the violence in iraq is more than economic. she brought up the plight of the many refugees of the war, which i'm ashamed to admit i haven't considered very much either.
the actual march, however, was a different story. and the fact that it was actually, finally on michigan again (no small victory, symbolic or otherwise, after the giant civil rights violation that was 4 years ago), made it feel like some sort of impact may have been made, for once. ugg-booted mothers and daughters, art-damaged college kids, church folks, old-timers and everyone in between (people of color, even! i sound snarky, and yes, that is a commentary on the (often-understandable) (non)appeal of liberal activism to minorities, but also on the super-scary presence of the chicago p.d., to be explained shortly) all marching down FUCKING MICHIGAN AVENUE at dinnertime. to a man, every cab driver honked in support. and you know, the cops were alright, as i have mostly found to be the case at these things. they joked with us, and each other, we joked with them and ourselves. they're on overtime, they're doing what they have to do. but the riot cops, of which there had to be two or three hundred, were just plain unnerving. not their conduct, which was totally hands-off, but the sheer presence, for blocks and blocks. the masks obscuring their faces, the big wooden canes. you don't see that in new york, even. i can't think of any recent march i've attended or been in the vicinity of that wasn't the same way (last year this time, the immigration rally)--or rather, any march since 4 years ago. it's an obvious message. daley doesn't like surprises. period. i'm glad i went. it's sick that this war has gone on so long that i can compare and contrast ANNUAL marches. it's sick that it ever began. i finally read the seymour hersh article from three new yorkers ago and it made me fired up. and sad. and really, really confused.
on another note, and apropos of nothing, ted leo and i have the same favorite stereolab song! i only listen to that album maybe once a year, if that, but i have that song in my head at least once a week. probably because something in my life feels out of control at least once a week. soothing and fortifying. in the context of the album as a whole, i guess it sounds like pop neo-marxism, but independent of that, the lyric is just, like, the best advice ever.
related to that: i was so busy crushing on andrew bird that i forgot dude's album came out today too! it was a pleasant surprise.
ok, i'm going to go try and fight the good fight against stress-induced insomnia now. laters.
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